Rally Thursday February 23 @ PRHC

Nurses at Peterborough Regional Health Centre are holding a rally this Thursday, February 23 from 12 noon to 2 pm. It is one of 35 across the province demanding a better contract from the Ontario Hospital Association (OHA) and the Ford government.

Labour Council will be there – will you? Please join if you are able.

Here is a link that will enable you to send an email of support for the nurses to your MPP, give you the latest news, bargaining basics and some campaign materials https://www.ona.org/bettercare/

See you this Thursday.

As a reminder, later on Thursday, the Peterborough Health Coalition is hosting a Zoom Town Hall starting at 6 pm with Ontario Health Coalition Executive Director Natalie Mehra as one of the keynote speakers.

Register for the town hall here:


Strategies will be shared about the upcoming massive, province-wide campaign organized by OHC to STOP PRIVATIZATION, and how YOU can become involved.

For further information about the Town Hall, contact

Marion Burton at marionburton@nexicom.net or 705 868-7352

Or Roy Brady at rbrady1@cogeco.ca or 705 745-2446

In solidarity,

Peterborough & District Labour Council