Ensure No One is Subjected to For-Profit LTC: Join one of the last Emergency Summits, we need to act NOW

Being discharged from the hospital into for-profit long-term care (LTC) was literally a death sentence for Andrew’s mother.  She contracted COVID-19 and died alone. At her funeral, her son described her. She was “so emaciated that she looked like she was a concentration camp victim”.


Time is short. We need to act NOW to stop the Ford government, which is mid-stream in awarding 18,000 new 30-year licenses to for-profit long-term care homes like Andrew’s mom’s. 1000s are not completed yet and there are 1000s more licenses still to come. 


If we make a big enough fightback, with the provincial election 8 weeks away, this is when we can win real change. We can take the profit out of care and ensure that our next generation of seniors are protected from corporate greed and substandard care.

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Emergency Summits to Stop Health Care Privatization

KINGSTON- Monday April 11

Kingston Health Coalition at 7:00 pm

Register in advance *Fill out the linked google form and the Kingston Health Coalition will send you the zoom link*: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfJ4HWKC3xzVHpYyEOlkkT4wHNmAuu7wM5mHsbPRiyJFVzxUw/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1&flr=0

Featuring: Joan Jardin, co-chair, Kingston Health Coalition

Natalie Mehra, executive director, Ontario Health Coalition

Michael Hurley, president, Ontario Council of Hospital Unions/CUPE

David McDonald, professor, Queen’s University Department of Global Development Studies

Dr. Dick Zoutman, former chief of staff at two major Ontario hospitals

For more information: Matthew Gventer at (613) 542-5834 or birms@kos.net and Joan Jardin at (613) 305-2716 or joanforlakeside@gmail.com



Sault-Ste-Marie/Algoma Area Health Coalition at 7:00 pm

Register at: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZAlduGqpj8tEtXAogwmqqsoBw8UZN_QQGAc

Featuring: Marie DellaVedova and Albert Dupuis, spokespeople, Algoma Region Health Coalition

Natalie Mehra, executive director, Ontario Health Coalition

Sara Labelle, chair of the hospital professionals’ division, OPSEU

Randy Robinson, Ontario director, Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives

For more information: Al Dupuis at algomahc@gmail.com



Toronto Health Coalition at 7:00 pm

Register in advance: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZMpc-yupjsuHNJ7kc80KnTsl_vwHNtUakT8

Featuring: Mary Jo Nabuurs & Carolyn Egan, representatives, Toronto & York Region Health Coalitions

Natalie Mehra, executive director, Ontario Health Coalition

Dr. Dick Zoutman, former chief of staff at two major Ontario Hospitals

Michelle Jones, long-term care advocate

Dr. Yipeng Ge, Canadian Doctors for Medicare

Michael Hurley, president, Ontario Council of Hospital Unions/CUPE

For more information: Ontario Health Coalition at ohc@sympatico.ca



Oakville Health Coalition at 7:00 pm

Register in advance: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZAlce2rpjMtGtz-8cKEBMK_scj0FvOhuJFf

Featuring: Mervyn Russell, chair, Burlington, Halton, Oakville Health Coalition

Sandra Caleta, founder, Advocates for LTC Reform

Dr Gordon Guyatt, distinguished professor, Department of Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics, McMaster University and board member, Ontario Health Coalition

Sandra Ashcroft, RN, UFCW

Dr. Nancy Olivieri, prominent haematologist, researcher, whistleblower, champion of patient safety and research integrity

For more information: Mervyn Russell at mervynrussell1003@gmail.com

*Remember: You need to register for the event using the links above, Zoom will then send you the meeting link for the summit*